THE Batangas Crown Lions Club (BCLC) did it again! Lion Rodante Bico, 5PMJF, the run-away winner in the May 2023 election of the Lions Club International District 301-A2 held at the International Eucharistic Convention Center in Cebu City, Philippines now graduates as District Governor for the Lion Year 2023-2024 with flying colors!
“Gov Dante”, as he is fondly called, makes his district, 301-A2, and his home club, the BCLC, proud of his excellent leadership for the LY 2023-2024 for being the Top 1 District in the whole 301 Philippines in generally all areas of humanitarian services across the 8-Global Causes of Lions Clubs International.
During his term, District 301-A2 has successfully hosted the 60th Orient and South East Asia Lions (OSEAL) Forum last November 2-5 at the SMX Convention Center in Pasay City, attended by world leaders of Lions headed by LCI President Dr. Patty Hill.
For his final act as district governor, DG Dante attended the Lions International Convention in Melbourne, Australia last June 21-25 and reported to LCI President Dr. Paty Hill his accomplishments as leader of the Philippines’ most progressive district.
It can be remembered that Gov. Dante who run unopposed for the topmost position in the district, is past president of the Batangas Crown Lions Lub, PMJF, with headquarters at Mega Heights Subdivision in Alangilan, Batangas City.
A former mariner, a hotelier and real estate magnate, Lion Dante rose the ladder of lionism from a regular member, a committee chairman, until he got elected as 2nd Vice president, first vice president and president of Batangas BCLC.
“I would like to grab this opportunity to express my utmost gratitude for all the trust and support of our fellow Lions. The one-year term is not a walk in the park so to speak, but with all your support, we were able to serve more people, carried out more services, and once more proved that District 301-A2 is united and remains the District to beat in 301 Philippines,” Governor Dante said.
His term ended June 30, 2024.