VOLUNTEERS become environmental catalysts by participating in the refinery’s environmental protection and safeguarding efforts.
Shell Tabangao Refinery conducts a Tree Planting Activity in partnership with the City Environment and Natural Resources (ENRO) as part of its Environmental Stewardship program and in response to the severe impacts of Global Warming and Climate Change to the environs nowadays.
Driven by the belief that everyone can be part of the solution, almost 80 staff, contractors and interns in assistance with Pilipinas Shell Foundation Inc. (PSFI) volunteered and planted a total of 250 Ylang-ylang seedlings along the Refinery’s Residential Compound.

Refinery Production manager Elfren Dizon says that tree planting initiatives create a huge and positive impact to the world we live in. Considering the long-term effect, he cited that the quality of life for the next years to come depends on our decisions and actions today.
“As time passes by, we can see the effects of our ignorance on the possible effects of our actions. Mankind in this present time has already spent the environmental resources that must have been preserved and stored for the future. And if we don’t do anything now, not just our families and our friends but the whole world in general will suffer”, he shared.
Very positive on the outcome, he underscored that everyone has their respective roles of making Earth a habitable home for humanity.
The tree planting is supported by the Barako Project. Thru Barako, Shell will enable the refinery to produce Bitumen to meet both Shell Philippines domestic and export demand.
Also, the activity is considered as a key on waving refinery’s carbon emissions and preserving the environs through sustainable practices.
In addition, Shell Tabangao Refinery and PSFI, Shell’s social investment arm is currently undertaking the Carbon Sink Project at Dolores, Quezon which aims to establish and implement reforestation program by planting 100,000 endemic and indigenous species of tree seedlings in approximately 50 hectares land of Dolores Quezon.
A testament of Shell’s commitment on managing its environmental impacts to the community not only by developing smarter and cleaner products, but also through programs that nurtures environmental awareness and generate support from the organization.
External Relations manager Darlito Guamos says that the pledge on creating a safe and greener environment for the community will always be one of the top priorities of the company.
“We already know the possible impacts. What we need to do now is formulate the solutions. The key towards a clean and healthy community lies within our hands”, he shared.
Leona Visco, Oil Movements Operator and one of the volunteers of the activity believes that it’s not only important to urge as many people not only to volunteer but to also instill and make them understand the need to do it.
“Our environment has been rapidly being degraded the past years, and it seems the rate will be increasing in the periods to come unless we try to start positive change within ourselves. Let’s all be environmental catalysts”, shared Visco.|#BALIKAS_News