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Resilience at its best

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THE story of a public utility vehicle driver losing hope to meet his everyday income, a lola wanting to go out to the market to buy some goods for survival but with hesitations, an employee afraid to go to work and leave his family, children wanting to play outdoor but restricted, a teacher and his students online albeit the challenge of internet connections determined to continue schooling but feels not enough, the government itself which we trust, struggling with the best mechanisms to bout this crisis – this is the picture of the predicament we are all in; enveloped in fear and engufled by uncertainties.

Where do we go where there is no place that is safer now? How would we overcome this?

Looking at it, it is highly understandable that not everyone will see this kind of situation like a half-full glass. Be that as it may, I want everyone to remember all these: When Taal eruption challenged Batanguenos’ resilience, the feeling was almost the same, but that one did pass with not so much expense be it life or livelihood. We were too strong enough we surpassed that almost unbearable ordeal. We were guided by cooperation and faith.

Couldn’t we do the same? It may be a totally different case, but we could use the same formula of survival. That is a lesson of resilience and faith of which were tested at that time.

In 1986, our great grand parents and predecessors were challenged by dictatorial government; fought hard for freedom and democracy and they succeeded in their crusade. The formula? Faith, unity and cooperation.

When Yolanda wiped out Leyte and other provinces, everyone felt the sympathy and so people there regained their hopes. Leyte now is a totally recovered place. How did they go through it? Isn’t it the same thing as how we overcome other mishaps?

How about this health crisis? For the past years, I have personally read and heard a handful of scenarios where some parents and guardians complained about their kids losing time for their family and that with all the requirements in acads and the society’s trends and demands the main collateral damage is the family.

Perhaps, with all the mechanisms that are needed as precautionay measures, it is high time that we make up with our families; it is in this trying times that we fortify our bonds and make each other feel safe, tied with vigilance, hope and faith.

Covid-19 is a threat by itself, however, it is not the time that we lose our grip and fall undefended. It is but another form of test that we too can beat. There is nothing more powerful a weapon and a strong an antidote than securing ourselves with: hope that this too shall pass, faith that our Creator will never give us a trial we cannot win, unity and cooperation that with all the uncertainties the only certain is that if we will all cooperate everything will fall into the right place; that the stories of trials and fears can be transformed into stories of survival and victory.| – BALIKAS News Network

*Carl Ivan Villanueva is an instructor at the University of Batangas – Senior High School Department.

*Photo taken at the Taal Volcano a month after eruption, courtesy of Atty. Genaro Cabral.

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